Innovative digital marketplace improving your quality of life.

Top dog when it comes to simple, easy and safe trading in a fun & friendly way.

Find out more

We use cutting-edge technologies to create a simple and secure trading process with excellent customer experience in mind.

Our mission is to help people find what they're looking for and smoothly match them with a perfect seller.

Photo recognition

By opening the camera and positioning it on the item, the user immediately sees the average price, category, and time of the last sale. With the help of a new AI model that we developed, we can now suggest the price range of advertised items and predict how long that item might be listed for sale before someone buys it.


Payment and delivery are handled directly through the Njuškalo app. Buyers have a money-back guarantee for purchases made through PayProtect if the product doesn't arrive or is not what the seller advertised. Sharing IBANs and personal information between buyers and sellers is a thing of the past.

Mobile App

With our app, it's possible to submit an ad in just two clicks! The app recognizes and suggests the worth of items listed for sale. Users can save time and quickly submit, search and view more than two million ads. They can save relevant ads and searches, and contact sellers and customer support without leaving the app.


To make the vehicle even more attractive, we have integrated the possibility of recording a 360 view into our camera! Turn on the camera in the app, follow instructions, and record the vehicle from all angles. We will automatically put together a 360 ​​view that you can immediately add to your ad.

Our numbers

Looking for something? Check out Njuškalo and you'll find it for sure.

2,7 M


43 M


1+ M

App downloads

1,5 M

Monthly Visitors


Internet Reach



Find out more About us

Hot off the press

Keep up with the latest trends in the real estate and automotive industries.

We are armed with a wide range of ideas, experiences, and solutions to design our enterprise-grade solutions.

That is why we're always looking for people that share our mindset.

See open positions

Making an impact

Proud to be actively contributing to a vibrant Croatian dev community.

Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Faculty of Organization and Informatics

Njuškalo for GenZ

Rab web conference 2022

.debug Conference 2022

Zagreb University of Applied Sciences