Always be one step ahead of them and enjoy shopping without interruption! For responsible and safe behavior on the Internet, here are a few things you should always keep in mind:
When you sell and buy on Njuškalo, use only our internal messaging system.
Easily update queries, respond to them and send them via messages in your Njuskalo account. It’s even easier if you use our application because we send you a notification on your mobile phone for every new Njuskalo message. We try to protect our messages and “intercept” suspicious links 24/7, so never leave the platform when buying or selling. If the buyer or seller on the other side persistently wants to redirect communication to external services such as e-mail, Viber, WhatsApp, SMS, and the like, a warning light should come on.
When selling, never enter your CVC/CVV
Selling online is safe and practical if you always follow this rule. For the customer to deposit money into your account, you only need to send him your first name, last name, and IBAN, i.e. account number.
When selling, you never have to send the CVC/CVV number from the back of the card to anyone or authorize it. Pay particular attention to unusual links from potential buyers who ask you to enter the amount and card details, and do not fall for their assurances about the safety of using such a link.
Always check the link and pay exclusively with secure payment services
Every online shopping site uses a secure payment service. If the payment page is not secured, that is, if it is not in the HTTPS address or the link is not correct (for example, instead of the link reads it is a scam. Therefore, always check the instructions and supported payment methods on the official website of the service provider, and always follow the advice you receive from your bank.
Be careful who you share your data with
Always be careful where you enter and with whom you share your personal information, because it can be used for various “attacks” without your knowledge. Do not share them on unverified sites or with unknown people through social networks. Data that you enter in comments, for example, can be easily downloaded by malicious software and later used to “attack” you or your friends. Be especially careful if someone asks for a copy of your ID card or payment card – Njuškalo will never ask you to send such documents by e-mail, SMS, or via public messaging tools (Viber, WhatsApp…)
Be careful what you click on and what you install on your device
Under the guise of a good offer or an urgent action, “attackers” can, posing as a store, send you links via e-mail or other channels that may contain dangerous content, instructing you to install the program on your device. To hide their intention, instead of the whole link, they can send you a shortened link or a QR code, thus deceiving you. Be careful what you install on your device – computer or smartphone and always use reliable and verified sources for installing programs.
Always use a secure password and change it regularly
Simple passwords are very easy to guess, so always give yourself some effort when creating them for each platform. It is wise to use sufficiently long phrases for passwords that you can easily remember and that the attacker can hardly detect. A secure password contains a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and characters, but make sure that it does not look like your first and last name or any other personal information that is generally considered the most vulnerable password. It’s good to change it occasionally as a precaution, and of course, don’t write it down anywhere and don’t share it with anyone. Never use the same password to access multiple systems.
Upgrade your operating system regularly
This applies to both your computer and your smartphone. A timely upgrade of the operating systems allows you to perform your daily activities in a technically safer and more impenetrable environment, which is particularly important in the process of online payment.
It uses programs and solutions to protect against malware
It can happen that you do not recognize a dangerous site or a dangerous attachment even when you think you are in a completely safe Internet environment. Using “antivirus” protection that is automatically updated will help you to further protect your device and data.
Surf on a secure Wi-Fi network
Do not allow your devices, especially your smartphone, to automatically connect to open wireless networks, and certainly do not use sensitive applications (like banking) if you are connecting to an open public network. On such networks, fraudsters can more easily collect sensitive data that you use to access services on the Internet and misuse it, so make transactions only on well-known Wi-Fi networks.